Monday 24 November 2008

New Website

I've been working on a proper website for Letterfest and finally its been launched. So from now on the i'll be updating the blog on that site, not this. Go take a look for my latest products, news and events. Happy shopping!

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Etsy, etsy, etsy

Have been shopping crazy on Etsy recently - getting in early for Christmas pressies (or thats my excuse anyway). And have been loving some of the gorgeous type inspired gifts out there. Heres some of my favourites:
Letterpress Art Prints by YeeHaw
Alphabet poster by kaching design
Notebook by peep paper
Custom clay bowl by palomas nest

Supermarket Sweep

I also got invited to put my work on the fantastic Supermarket. Another site showcasing gorgeous work by artists and designers around the world. And a week later I was included on one of their emails to members (bottom row)

Old Style Alphabet

I've been messing about on the computer recently coming up with these gorgeous signs. Based on old calligraphy drawings, I've created my own in Illustrator on the mac. Seven down - only another 19 to go!!!!

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Ebay mania

I'm very excited - I won this vintage letter stamp set on Ebay last night (although I did have to set my alarm for 4am to make sure I got it!!) Can't wait to have a play :)

Monday 11 August 2008

Ceramic Type

Whilst surfing the web at the weekend, I cam across this gorgeous work from Ceramic artist Stephanie Dearmond, based in the US.

Friday 8 August 2008

Alphabet Art for cool kids

Just put up on Etsy my new art prints. I've been working on these for a while trying to get them right, and I'm really pleased with the results. I've drawn the icons on the computer, inspired by retro 50's designs. They'll look cool in any kids bedroom.

Friday 18 July 2008


Day 1 of the shop, and the lovely Janick emailed me to say she had chosen my pebbles to be featured in her blog "Creativadoration". Click here to see.

Letterfest Shop Launch

How exciting! As of yesterday we are live on etsy - click here to see the shop. I took lots of photos around the house, and tried to write as much as possible in the description. And when I woke up this morning I had 4 really positive emails from other etsy peeps, and 143 people had made me their favourite! Apparently I was also on the front page (but I was asleep so I missed it!) No sales yet, but fingers crossed.

Letters, letters, everywhere

On a recent visit to The Eden Project in Cornwall we came across this wall of letters. It was in an exhibition on recycling and sustainability. They'd made a whole wall out of old fridge doors, and stuck those little magnetic letters all over them - visitors could up their own phrases and words (the pics of my mate Amanda).

Monday 30 June 2008

Travel notes

Over the past ten years or so, me and the hubby have managed a fair few trips abroad, to some fantastic places. And wherever we go, we're always on the look out for wierd, kitsch and fabulous signage. Heres some I love.

The fantastic lights of Las Vegas, USA

New Zealand and Australia

New York

Hong Kong


Emporium of typographic gifts

I love letters. Well, being a graphic designer and getting worked up about leading and font size, you kinda have to. But they're so great. So, my shop will sell different types of letters - different styles, different production methods, different concepts. Welcome to Letterfest (Festival of Letters - get it?!!).
Heres some bits and pieces I've collected over the years that inspire me - from old wooden and metal letters, vintage maps and posters, intricate letterpress designs, to handmade mosaic numbers.

A little bit about me…

The day has finally come - I'm about to launch my first Etsy shop. So, for those that are interested, and want to know - who is this person? what does she know about gorgeous, handmade gifts, what the hell does Letterfest mean???! - this blog will try and let you into my (very small) world.
First - this is me. (Taking a ferry from Waiheke Island in New Zealand to Auckland)
I live in a little house by the sea in Devon, England - with my gorgeous husband and ancient (and slightly smelly) dog. We have lots of lovely, creative friends who inspire us constantly. And you'll probably know them for their fabulous work on Etsy…
Mandy and Kate at Belle and Boo
And Amanda at Peep Bags and Peep Bebe

So, I wanted in on the act. While the hubby wakeboards, surfs, runs and plays squash, I thought I'd dabble in this arty-crafty business (its better than eating too many cream teas). Having been a graphic designer for many, many, many (oh dear…) years in commercial retail (Topshop, The Body Shop, Rimmel London) I've spent my days designing to other peoples' design briefs, so it will be nice to do something totally for me. And whats even better, another friend is starting her own Etsy shop at the same time, so we can swap stories, ideas and general gossip. (You're right - its an excuse to drink wine while we have a "meeting".)
Wish us luck!!