Friday 18 July 2008


Day 1 of the shop, and the lovely Janick emailed me to say she had chosen my pebbles to be featured in her blog "Creativadoration". Click here to see.

Letterfest Shop Launch

How exciting! As of yesterday we are live on etsy - click here to see the shop. I took lots of photos around the house, and tried to write as much as possible in the description. And when I woke up this morning I had 4 really positive emails from other etsy peeps, and 143 people had made me their favourite! Apparently I was also on the front page (but I was asleep so I missed it!) No sales yet, but fingers crossed.

Letters, letters, everywhere

On a recent visit to The Eden Project in Cornwall we came across this wall of letters. It was in an exhibition on recycling and sustainability. They'd made a whole wall out of old fridge doors, and stuck those little magnetic letters all over them - visitors could up their own phrases and words (the pics of my mate Amanda).