Wednesday 17 September 2008

Etsy, etsy, etsy

Have been shopping crazy on Etsy recently - getting in early for Christmas pressies (or thats my excuse anyway). And have been loving some of the gorgeous type inspired gifts out there. Heres some of my favourites:
Letterpress Art Prints by YeeHaw
Alphabet poster by kaching design
Notebook by peep paper
Custom clay bowl by palomas nest

Supermarket Sweep

I also got invited to put my work on the fantastic Supermarket. Another site showcasing gorgeous work by artists and designers around the world. And a week later I was included on one of their emails to members (bottom row)

Old Style Alphabet

I've been messing about on the computer recently coming up with these gorgeous signs. Based on old calligraphy drawings, I've created my own in Illustrator on the mac. Seven down - only another 19 to go!!!!